Technical Facilities
Technical Facilities of the ILM

- experimental rigs for vertical conveyors: chain and belt bucket conveyors, hose belt - vertical conveyor
- retarding disc conveyor
- conventional gantry crane
- vibration und compaction equipment

- unit loads conveyor with gantry crane
- Interbus connection
- MoveIT - Materials Handling Calculator from Resa
- operational Data Recording and Communication Systems

- hardware: 30 study workstations, Windows XP
- connection to the university computer center
- industry specific software: facility planning, CAD systems, Materials Handling simulation, SAP

- business simulations for order picking
- ERP-system SAP R3
- live storage rack
- handheld, barcode scanner, RFID

- Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) with Proportional-Integral-Differential (PID) and fuzzy logic controller
- universal vibration measurement (Vibroport) and vibration exciter
- digital image processing for measurement and control functions
- computer aided measurement recording

Bulk Materials Laboratory
- sieving equipment
- drying cabinet, weighing equipment
- Jenike shear cell
- ring shear tester

Measurement Technology Laboratory
- sensor technology for capturing physical parameters
(e.g. energy, momentum,revolutions, pressure, temperature) - 1-4-channel measurement reading with conventional measurement technology (Schreiber, digital oscilloscope)
- 1-32-channel reading and analysis with computer based measurement technology